Supported message formats

Supported message formats

  • MSG - Microsoft Outlook message file; compatible with other programs that use Microsoft's Messaging Applications Programming Interface (MAPI).
  • EML - E-mail message saved by Microsoft Outlook Express, Thunderbird, Lotus, and other e-mail programs; may also contain e-mail attachments or files sent with the
  • PST - Personal Storage Table, a file format used to store local copies of messages, calendar events, and other items within Microsoft
  • OST - Off-line Storage Table that stores e-mail messages and other data saved by the application from an Exchange
  • MBOX- MailBOX, the MBOX file is the most common format for storing email messages on a hard drive

If you have any comments or suggestions for improving PST Viewer Pro, we will be glad to hear your feedback. Please address your comments to supportline@encryptomatic.com, Subject "PST Viewer Pro Feedback.”