Mail enumeration

Mail enumeration

Mail enumeration is an action of retrieving a list of messages located in specified folder and (optionally) its subfolders. A result of enumeration is a Mail list filled with information about messages in current location. 

Enumeration is automatically triggered when user selects a folder in Explorer tree or Favorites trees. It can be manually triggered by selecting Refresh in Explorer tree context menu or Browse or Browse with subfolders in Favorites tree context menu. In case of "with subfolders" option was selected, enumeration will be performed in specified folder and recursively in all of its subfolders. Automatically triggered enumeration will be performed recursively if Switch to scan with subfolders in Explorer tree context menu is checked. 

The length of the process of enumeration depends on the number of messages in the folder. If the process takes a noticeable amount of time, its progress will be displayed in status bar. The displayed information include progress bar with status of the process, estimated completion time and estimated number of messages found. Please note, that during the enumeration of PST files, we cannot precisely pinpoint the amount of messages inside, until the reading of file is complete. So, estimated amount of messages can differ from exact number after the reading is complete.

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