The Index Emails Window gives access to two important MailDex functions: Indexing and Filtering.
Index Emails
The Index Emails window is where you will first create a MailDex indexing project, and then add email files to that project.
To create a project, click the left toolbar button and give your project a name.
After you have named your project, you can add email to that project for indexing by clicking the right button. See the below image for the location of these functions.
After email files are added to your project, indexing automatically begins and continues until completed.
Upon completion of indexing, enter a search term in the "Search" box. MailDex will return lightening fast results to your query.
Filter E-Mails
If you would like to drill down into a set of search results, you can use the Filtering function.
You can design filters to query your email set numerous ways. Use the filter tools to design a custom query that may be saved and applied against later email search sets.