Mail List
Mail list is a table, containing information about messages in active folder. Messages can be sorted, filtered and grouped by their attributes. Mail list contains following columns: selector column, file type icon column and message attributes columns: subject, from, to, CC, BCC, delivery time, submit time, has attachments, internal path, source format, source path. User can select which columns to show in the table and which to hide. Icons displayed for the messages in Mail list help to differentiate between file types of the messages and the presence of attachments. Context menu
Right-clicking on a line in mail list table brings context menu for selected message. Open message context menu item is used to open selected message in a default email client. Mail list view context menu item allows disabling of filtering and grouping capabilities of Mail list component in case user does not need them. Save context menu item allows user to save selected message in the specified folder preserving the same file name this message already has. Save message as... context menu item allows user to save selected message in the specified folder with custom file name. Properties context menu item displays Mail information dialog which shows information about message header and file properties and allows to view message's raw transport header and MAPI properties tree. Note: Open message, Save message as... and Properties menu items are unavailable when multiple messages are selected. Advanced Mail list tools Mail list provides powerful tools for sorting, filtering, grouping messages and column management. You can select which columns to display in the table by clicking Column Chooser in header context menu and dragging required columns from Customization window to the table. The order of the columns can also be changed using drag and drop. The simplest way to create filter is to enter a value in one of the fields above the table. The contents of the table will be filtered according to the inputted data in the corresponding column. Resulting filter can be seen the the bottom of the table. It can be disabled and cleaned by unchecking checkbox near its description or clicking [x] button. Another way to filter messages is clicking filter button in the column header (visible when mouse is hovering the header). It will bring a list of possible values for filter current column. This list will differ depending on column data type. For example, for subject column filtering values would include "Blank fields", "Non-blank fields", list of subjects of messages currently in the table and custom filter editor. For received time column filter would allow selecting date from Date picker control or selecting one of the predefined time-filtering options like "Earlier this year" or "Last week". Any of the earlier created filter rules can be picked from list, that will appear after clicking on the current filter rule.
Filter editor dialog can be used for more advanced filtering rule editing. It can be used either to create filter from scratch or to modify already created filtering rule. Filter editor can be called by selecting Filter editor... in column header context menu or by clicking Edit filter button in right bottom corner of the Mail list if filter is already created. Filter editor creates logical constructs that are used for table filtering. These constructs are one or several logical conditions united by one of the logical operations (AND, OR, NOT AND, NOT OR). Logical conditions consist of comparisons contents of the columns with proposed value. Message grouping can be done by the values of one or several columns in the table. To perform grouping, drag the column header into to grouping panel. It is possible to perform grouping by several columns. In this case, nesting order of the grouping columns will be determined by their relative position in grouping panel. It can be changed by dragging column headers inside of the grouping panel. To cancel grouping, drag column headers back into the table. Docking functionality can be used to change the default position for the Explorer tree. |